Categorized as: Exercise

Get off your butt and exercise, orders your doc

Sed rhoncus nulla turpis, vitae rutrum velit iaculis et. Curabitur vestibulum, erat non imperdiet vulputate, est neque iaculis mi, at malesuada eros ante sit amet elit. Praesent tempus, est in bibendum tincidunt, sapien felis condimentum quam, eu posuere risus sem ac sem. In non massa et dolor venenatis luctus non…

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 John Doe
John Doe

Creating the perfect body is no small matter. Not being contenthe perfect body is no small matter. Not being content with perfectbody is no small matter....

 John Doe
John Doe

Creating the perfect body is no small matter. Not being contenthe perfect body is no small matter. Not being content with perfectbody is no small matter....